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Meg Rieniets
Speech and Language Therapist 

Certified Practising Speech Pathologist. (C

I am all about supporting individuals as their unique selves to develop their communication in a way that is authentic for them. I honour and celebrate diversity within us all. This forms the foundations of how I work with others.

My Services


Gestalt Language Learners

A gestalt language learner learns language in chunks rather than one single word at a time. This is different to an analytical language learner who will just learn one word then add on this over time, e.g. “Car,” then “red car.”. Whereas a gestalt language learner will pick up a chunk from an experience and/or their environment such as if their mother was to say “ wow look at that fast car,” when they see a red car, they may say that every time they see a red car. This can also be known as “echolalia.”. Children may often copy and use phrases from their favourite television shows or songs. 


Person-centred support for neurodivergent inviduals based on the social model of health.

I deliver therapy to meet individual goals using the social model of health. The social model of health views health outcomes influenced by broader social, economic, cultural,  and environmental factors rather than focusing solely on the individual behaviours and biology. It emphasizes addressing social determinants, promoting equity, and engaging communities to improve overall wellbeing. 


Play-based child-led therapy for social-emotional development based on the DIR floortime principles. 

More information about this approach can be found here: More can be found out about this approach here:


Narrative Therapy

The ability to tell stories about what happened in our lives or to create ideas is important for connecting with others, advocating for ourselves, being known and experienced by another, processing situations and emotions. its also an important aspect so we can create and share ideas. Many individuals with commuincation and language differences can have difficulty telling stories. 


Early Years Parent coaching for play and language development

I can coach families to build their skills in further supporting their child's language and play development when there are delays to language and play. 

New Referrals?

PLEASE NOTE: I am currently at capacity. 


You can see if you or your child would be a fit for my services by filling out the google form which can be found here: 


Waitlist Form Click Here



If you are looking for therapy in an area I offer, you will go on my list of potential people to call when a spot comes up.

I can not gurantee when a child or individual will come up on my waitlist. 




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